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Automation – The Future of Construction? A Future Based on Education, Solidarity and Excellence TORONTO CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION Successful Partnerships Equate to a Successful Business STERLING RIDGE GROUP | SEPTEMBER 2022Nov 30 - Dec 2 2022 Metro Toronto Convention Centre #TheBuildingsShow W elcome to the September edition of Apeiron Construc- tion. While we reach the end of the summer months it is important that we acknowledge the successes and challenges over the year so far. Momentum is building and projects are breaking ground all around us. It is a good time to be on the jobsite. While the seasons may be changing, something will endure. Innovation and hard work prevail across the industry as construction continues its rebound from an arduous few years. In this issue, we are delighted to share some of the exciting and positive projects taking place around the construction world. From the innovation of prestressed concrete to the stone that keeps us grounded and level and from family run businesses that have evolved over a hundred years to excit- ing new developments that may change the construction landscape entirely. For our September issue, we strive to report on it all. As always, we are delighted to bring you these stories. Thanks for reading… David O’Neill Nov 30 - Dec 2 2022 Metro Toronto Convention Centre #TheBuildingsShow | 3 APEIRON CONSTRUCTION A note from the Editor APEIRON-CONSTRUCTION.COM APEIRONMEDIAINC.COM CHIEF EDITOR SENIOR CONTENT DEVELOPERS CONTRIBUTING WRITERS DIRECTOR OF SALES CREATIVE DIRECTOR DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGER DAVID O’NEILL COLIN O’NEILL | MARK PETERS PETER SWALE | DARRAGH GILLIGAN AOIFE CHANEY | CAROLINE EBBS DAN SCANLON | EMMA KILCAWLEY HEMANI ERIC O’CALLAGHAN | GEORGIE DOWNES KAYLA BROWN LINDSAY BAILEY ALEX MULVEYThe construction landscape is an ever-changing one. From design and planning right through breaking ground and completion, companies are always mindful of the ‘variables’, those nameless possibilities that can occasionally throw a spanner in the works, at the worst time possible. Unfortunately, recent years have thrown more than a few spanners our way and the construction industry has had to think on its feet more times than it would ideally like. So, what can be done to help construction find its feet again after a difficult few years? 10 Automation – The Future of Construction?6 3 Positive News Stories 14 Successful Partnerships Equate to a Successful Business STERLING RIDGE GROUP 20 A Future Based on Education, Solidarity and Excellence TORONTO CONSTRUCTION ASSOCIATION 24 The Only Way is Up BRICON CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 28 Daring to Dream: A Better Future for Construction SG CONSTRUCTORS 34 The Community Business with Integrity at its Core INTEGRICON 40 Architecture 2030 – The Pathway Towards Zero Carbon Built Environments 44 Strength Through Partnership TRINITY LOGISTICS 50 The Proof is in the Precast Concrete CANADIAN PRECAST/PRESTRESSED CONCRETE INSTITUTE 56 A Powerhouse in Unison THE PRECAST GROUP 62 Growing Better TWIN VALLEY PRECAST 66 The Forerunners in Thin Concrete SPRING VALLEY CORP 70 Community Microgrids – Renewable Energy, Locally Produced 74 Experience Through Growth DIVISION 5 LLC 80 Family Owned with Community Values FRAZIER QUARRY 86 The String That Ties Construction Together ABC CAROLINAS 90 Navigating 130 Years with Innovation and Commitment to its Workforce SWINERTON 94 Concrete Pipe Dreams CCPPA 98 Challenge Accepted IECS 102 A Concrete Step Forward PROFORM 106 Biochar – Using Soil to Build a New Future 110 Building Through Collaboration ROGERS-O’BRIEN CONSTRUCTION 5 | APEIRON CONSTRUCTIONWith all that is happening around us, it can be easy to miss some of the advancements that are being made in the construction industry. Let’s shine a light on some good news stories that are making our world a little better. Intelligent City What is the single biggest challenge facing the housing and construction markets? Sustainability? Labor? Supply? Decar- bonization? Perhaps the more appropriate question would be to ask if there is any single biggest challenge. When you add in the concerning need for more affordable housing right across North America, it seems as though the housing and construction industries have their work cut out for them. So, how do we move forward in a way that has a net positive for so many challenges? Intelligent City, a team of ambitious, open-minded, and moti- vated architects, designers and engineers was founded in Vancouver in 2008. The company has been a “leader in inno- vative urban housing, sustainability, building technology and design methodology and has gained municipal approvals and broad government support for its mass timber building system and technology development.” By combining many positive and innovative systems such as automation, robot- ics and sustainable practices, the company is introducing a “sustainable, adaptable and product-based paradigm for the delivery of urban housing solutions.” | 6 SEPTEMBER 2022World of Concrete 2023 JANUARY 17-19, 2023 LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER, NV The Buildings Show 2022 NOV 30 - DEC 2, 2022 METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE, ON Chicago Build Expo OCTOBER 13-14, 2022 | CHICAGO, IL MARCH 14 – 18, 2023 | LAS VEGAS, NV Local Infrastructure Hub With the Infrastructure Bill now becoming a reality and finances finally becoming available, it is important that there is a level playing field when it comes to the distribution of this funding. Infrastructure throughout the United States is in desperate need of rejuvenation and, historically speaking, the largest cities have had the loudest voices when it comes to allocating funds. While funding is available to all, invisible barriers do exist that preclude smaller communities from accessing the money needed to create spaces that work for their inhabitants. With billions of dollars in competitive grants available, the strongest and fittest usually end up winning. Having the know-how and staff required to process complex applications can mean that smaller municipalities and towns don’t stand a chance. The Local Infrastructure Hub, a national program founded this year by a number of philanthropic groups is running ‘Boot-Camps’ and offering additional supports to ensure that “all cities and towns can access federal infrastructure funding to drive local recovery, improve communities, and deliver results for residents.” The organization has an initial investment of $50 million and is coordinating meetings between nonprofits, city networks, academics, and policy experts to assist smaller areas and offer guidance around the difficult application processes. | 7 APEIRON CONSTRUCTIONCONTACT US NOW! NORBEC.COM 18776672321 THE NEW WAY OF BUILDING FOR A PERFECT MATCH BETWEEN VERSATILITY AND PERFORMANCE. INSULATED SOLUTIONS FOR BUILDING ENVELOPE Quick and easy to install Significant energy efficiency Cost-effective solution Design fl exibility and creativity NEED MORE INFORMATION? Our teams will be pleased to answer you. Cool Roadways Partnership Los Angeles has a lot going for it. With a lifestyle and climate that is envied around the world, it is commonly acknowl- edged to be one of the most advantageous cities in the world to live in. Even paradise has its flaws, however. As the global temperature rises, so too do those balmy cities. For residents of Los Angeles, the reality is somewhat skewed. Depending on your demographic, you can enjoy swimming pools and air-conditioned condos, or you can endure the risk of heat- stroke and outdoor working environments with little oppor- tunities for shade and hydration. It is in this context that L.A. has appointed Marta Segura as Chief Heat Officer. Tasked with raising awareness around the risk of heat and actioning programs to offset these dangers and bring down the local temperature. Not an easy job. One of her first actions was to become involved with Cool Roadways Partnership, a U.S. arm of the Global Cool Cities network. The goal for this group is to create and promote sustainable solutions to the ongoing risk of heatwaves which disproportionately affects POC and low-income earners. Cool Roadways work to decrease pavement temperatures through a range of strategies such as sealcoats, pavement rejuvenators and permeable asphalt. | 8 SEPTEMBER 2022CONTACT US NOW! NORBEC.COM 18776672321 NEED MORE INFORMATION? Our teams will be pleased to answer you. THE NEW WAY OF BUILDING FOR A PERFECT MATCH BETWEEN VERSATILITY AND PERFORMANCE. INSULATED SOLUTIONS FOR BUILDING ENVELOPE Quick and easy to install Significant energy efficiency Cost-effective solution Design fl exibility and creativity CONTACT US NOW! NORBEC.COM 18776672321 NEED MORE INFORMATION? Our teams will be pleased to answer you.Next >