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< PreviousWRITTEN BY DAVID O’NEILL T he construction landscape is an ever-changing one. From design and planning right through breaking ground and completion, companies are always mindful of the ‘variables’, those nameless pos- sibilities that can occasionally throw a spanner in the works, at the worst time possible. Unfortunately, recent years have thrown more than a few spanners our way and the construction industry has had to think on its feet more times than it would ideally like. From ensuring job- sites were safe and COVID compliant to navigating lead times and managing supply chain delays, the list of dif- ficulties facing the industry has built up. What makes all this even more problematic is that it is happening under the omnipresent cloud of a skilled labor shortage. Time and time again, businesses are complaining about the difficulties they face when trying to get ‘boots on the ground.’ So, what can be done to help construction find its feet again after a difficult few years? | 10 SEPTEMBER 2022| 11 APEIRON CONSTRUCTIONThe answer might already be with us and, as strange as it may seem, could point to a sea-change in the way building work is completed. Whether we know it or not, automation is here and the evidence shows that it is here to help. While it was once completely unthinkable, technological advance- ments are now nudging construction leaders into a brave new world and automation is no longer the scary enemy it once was. This magazine has always sought to report on the more cutting edge and innovative tools being used in the con- struction world and automation is no different. Over the past year we have reported on robotics, AI, and 3D printed houses to name a few. Over this time, however, the rise of automated services in construction has only continued to grow. It is important to point out that automation or, the process in which autonomous equipment takes part in construction activities, is not here to replace works and it is not a threat to the livelihood of the industry. Amir Behzadan, an associate professor at Texas A&M University believes that the days of robots replacing humans is a considerable way off. “We need years to collect data before it can do more than lay a row of bricks,” Behzadan said. “We don’t have the oceans of data needed to train such robotic workers.” This view is echoed by Mark Erlich, a fellow at the Harvard Labor and Worklife Pro- gram at Harvard Law School. According to Erlich, “It is one thing to have a robot ‘standing still’ and laying bricks from a fixed position. It’s another thing to have a robot that goes from room to room in a building and has to figure out where all the materials are.” In addition to this, there is the slight issue of a labor short- age. So, with that in mind, could automation perform lower order tasks and free up some manpower where it is truly needed? Feedback from across the industry has shown that automation is currently being used in a number of areas. From efficient decision making at the design stage due to BIM to reduced costs and on-time delivery of projects, the possibilities are growing steadily. The reality is that robots and automation can ensure efficiency and productivity which, given the current state of play, is music to the industry’s ears. One huge positive when considering robs and automation is the issue of safety. Across North America, construction related deaths and injuries make the industry one of the most dangerous in the region. Through the careful implementation of automated machinery, remote operation and better visibil- ity, jobsite injuries and deaths can be considerably lowered. In fact, over 30% of construction workers feel safer on the jobsite as a result of having robotics in situ. It is one thing to throw facts and figures around, however, when new technology is still attempting to break into an industry fully. Despite the mounting evidence and increased usage, automation is still largely considered to be a threat to the industry. In this context, news emerging from Montana is sure to be a game changer. Building code regulators have made the highly significant move to approve 3D printed walls as an equal for walls made with traditional concrete masonry units. The application was granted to Tim Stark, a General | 12 SEPTEMBER 2022Contractor who submitted documents, filings and testing reports developed by Apis Cor, the Florida based construc- tion company that specializes in 3D printed construction. Apis Cor is the only construction company that has 3D printed walls that comply with international building codes. As Anna Cheniuntai, co-founder and CEO of Apis Cor explains, the process itself is incredibly straight forward. “It's basically like a machine that comes to the construction site and then extrudes the material, the concrete-like material, layer by layer, creating the desired shape for building directly on site.” Furthermore, Cheniuntai claims that the endeavor will lower costs by up to 30%, something they believe will be a mas- sively positive development for the industry. “Home builders, they want to build more because demand is there, obviously, but they can't, because they really have to rely heavily on the labor, which is limited today,” Cheniuntai said. “We see that a lot of people really like to live in the construction industry. However, now with the robots, we can fill this gap, providing more houses much quicker.” These are not just PR statements, however. Companies working to promote the use of automation in construction have statistics to back up these claims. Intelligent City, a leader in innovative urban housing based in Vancouver, uses robotic automation on its prefabricated modular homes. The result of these projects is astounding; 15% greater production efficiency, 38% faster completion, and 30% waste reduction. Given that the evidence is there right before our eyes, the question is, how long before this becomes standard? Construction is one of the oldest trades on the planet. We have been building as long as we have existed, and it goes without saying that the industry has adapted to change from time to time. While concerns around automation may contain a semblance of fact, the evidence is gradually showing that this fear is largely unfounded. Technology now exists that can make our jobsites faster, cheaper, and safer. Robots, printers, and drones are not here to take our jobs. In fact, these tech- nologies will ensure than our jobs are more sustainable. If we are to move forward as an industry it seems inevitable that automation will become an industry standard. From design right through to 3D printing, the whole spectrum of skills can be supported through innovative machinery. What this ruling in Montana shows is that the industry is finally taking steps to making these futuristic technologies an everyday occurrence. Editorial credit: Ranglen/ “It's basically like a machine that comes to the construction site and then extrudes the material, the concrete-like material, layer by layer, creating the desired shape for building directly on site.” | 13 APEIRON CONSTRUCTION| 14 SEPTEMBER 2022WRITTEN BY ERIC O’CALLAGHAN O ne great partnership can elevate a business to the next level. Imagine what a collection of part- nerships can do. While the characteristics of each partnership vary, one thing remains constant: the arrangement is mutually beneficial. In the case of Sterling Ridge Group Inc., successful part- nerships are the backbone of the company. However, while creating a group of successful construction companies is a goal, what is most important to Sterling Ridge Group Inc. is what lies behind the great partnership, great people. | 15 APEIRON CONSTRUCTION680 North Service Road E, Windsor, ON N8X 3J3 P: 519-945-0001 • F: 519-945-0701 • C: 519-816-1108 876 Richmond Street, Unit #3, Chatham, ON N7M 5J5 P: 519-354-4141 • F: 519-354-9268 Sterling Ridge is a family owned and operated company based in Ontario, Can- ada, which has been in existence for over four decades. The Group has grown each year to create a premiere collection of construction companies able to provide all services necessary for a turnkey project. The Group is a partnership of seasoned construction-based companies work- ing collaboratively with a primary focus of achieving client expectations and delivering quality projects. Essentially, Sterling Ridge Group has created a one- stop-shop for contractors by accumulating an extensive catalogue of skills and creating definitive sectors to best highlight each company. The companies listed under the umbrella of Sterling Ridge Group Inc. include Sterling Ridge Infrastruc- ture Inc., Sterling Ridge General Contracting Inc., Sterling Ridge Architectural Systems Inc., Sterling Ridge Logistics Inc. and Sterling Ridge Utilities Inc. “These types of business partnerships have successfully led to numerous other jobs being awarded to Sterling Ridge Group.”PROUD SUPPLIER OF STERLING RIDGE GROUP 519-251-9799 1701 Provincial Rd Windsor, ON N8W 5V7 Contact Us: Home of the "PROBLEM SOLVERS" Fuels to Power Your Business Improve your equipment’s performance with premium-grade fuels, lubricants and solvents from Jack Smith Fuels. 1-800-265-2120 Windsor-Essex / Chatham-Kent The business model offered by Sterling Ridge creates a cohesive workflow that is more convenient for customers. Lucas Agosta, Project Manager at Sterling Ridge Infrastruc- ture Inc., has worked with the company for over seven years. On a daily basis, he realizes the importance of developing successful partnerships. “We want to be able tell the client we can do everything. For all intents and purposes, we'd like to go in and use our own people to go from A to Z in all these projects. I could start a job off and it might just be a simple job, then the client mentions they need to do some directional drilling — well, okay. We offer that too. Then they may need a hydro-vac, well you don't need to go outside because we already have it in-house. We can do it all here.” The projects undertaken by Sterling Ridge Group vary in scope and size and include standout projects of substantial size. One of these jobs Lucas refers to as The Lakeshore Program. This project was awarded to Sterling Ridge Infrastructure Inc. by General Contractor EPTCON Ltd. via Canadian electricity transmission and distribution service provider, Hydro One. Sterling Ridge is/was responsible for all site preparation, clearing and grubbing removal, along with topsoil erosion and sediment control around the station. The Lakeshore Program began in August 2020 and required extensive civil work including installing 14 kilometers of drainage, with the majority of work completed in the winter of 2020/2021. This job was not an easy task as the workers had to develop kilometers of access roads — both paved asphalt and granular — and construct over 1200 foundations being a mix between augured and conventional form type. | 17 APEIRON CONSTRUCTIONCongratulations to Sterling Ridge Group on your continued success! Drone/Survey Services | 3D Data Preparation | Consulting Sterling Ridge General Contracting Inc. also built two power and control buildings for the station. “It was a challenging but rewarding project. The job was through the wintertime, and we were pouring concrete through the winter, drilling foundations through the winter. Again, tight timeline, lots of coordination between us and the electrical crews of our general contractor. And that kind of led into a couple other projects that stemmed from that. From there we moved on and we were awarded the Lakeshore Line Relocation Project and South Middle Road Transformer Station. And just on that project alone we poured over 4000 cubic meters of concrete.” These types of business partnerships have successfully led to numerous other jobs being awarded to Sterling Ridge Group, a testament to their standard of work. Sterling Ridge believes that the people are what drives the success of the project, and therefore finding the right people is necessary to complete great work. To guarantee that every- thing runs like a well-oiled machine, Sterling Ridge encourages the divisions to communicate with each other. This may result in manpower being shifted from one job to another, or ensuring the relevant skilled people are all assigned to the correct jobs. “We truly do have a great group of employees. All different walks of life are employed here and across various positions. There's no biases or anything like that in our com- pany. It comes down to can you do the job right, and that's all it should come down to. We want the right people doing the right job. If they're not motivated, well then, we're not going to be in business, and that stems from the ground level right up to executive management. We are nothing without our people.” | 18 SEPTEMBER 2022Congratulations to Sterling Ridge Group on your continued success! Drone/Survey Services | 3D Data Preparation | Consulting The work employees carry out ultimately leads to the suc- cessful completion of a job. Upon the successful comple- tion, Sterling Ridge Group is then able to strengthen relation- ships and partnerships with contractors first by allowing the work to speak for itself. These partnerships are invested in and nourished to create healthy business relationships. It is these experiences and fostering relationships that help Sterling Ridge in their quest to expand further east into the Toronto market. Sterling Ridge Group successfully purchased a small electri- cal maintenance company — Global Electric & Lighting Inc. — to kickstart their expansion into the Greater Toronto Area. A Director of Business has been appointed for the GTA whose mandate is to develop work opportunities in the area. Previ- ous customer Hydro One has plans to initiate work across Ontario and within the GTA over the next five to ten years. Sterling Ridge Group hopes to be awarded some of this work. Having completed multiple large-scale projects, Sterling Ridge Group is confident in their ability to perform complex projects. Sterling Ridge Group is committed to developing projects from their start to finish. The company has suc- cessfully carried out projects awarded to them always with a can-do attitude. This allows for partnerships to flourish. Lucas assures that no request is too difficult for the people at Sterling Ridge; they will find a way to make it work. “My mentor always told me that if a client asks you, can you build a house out of marshmallows on the moon? You tell them, yes. We’ll figure it out.” Although it may take a while before Sterling Ridge Group conquers the moon, they already seem on track to conquer The Greater Toronto Area. “Sterling Ridge Group is confident in their ability to perform complex projects.” | 19 APEIRON CONSTRUCTIONNext >