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Rebounding in Unprecedented Times Fifty Years with a Family Focus V. PAULIUS & ASSOCIATES Growth with a Group Mentality STERLING RIDGE GROUP | MAY 2021We create boundless opportunity With a wealth of experience in reporting, content creation and publishing, Apeiron Media, Inc – publisher of Apeiron Construction – was set up with a clear vision to shine a light on pioneering organisations and professionals throughout the construction industry. We take a nuanced approach to storytelling and our clients benefit from a comprehensive integrated marketing opportunity through our detailed suite of online media. Apeiron Construction delivers stories from across the industry to offer high-end, thought provoking content to our readers. Conducting fascinating in-depth interviews with industry leading Executives, Managers, Presidents and CEOs allows us to gain insight and perspective while having the privilege of telling impactful stories. Our unique approach to content creation allows us to gain expert commentary on an ever-changing industry, from the people that know it best. As a media platform, we believe that our world is boundless. We want to share this world with our clients. WWW.APEIRONMEDIAINC.COMW elcome to the Spring edition of Apeiron Construction. The seasons are changing to brighter, warmer days and it feels as though there is possibility and hope once more in the construction industry. While it is impossible to ignore the effects that the pandemic has had on our industry, it would be a mistake to believe that everything has been damaged irrevocably. Construction is currently in a period of transition but, from here, it will grow. There is no doubt about it. Businesses have suffered, workers themselves have too, but in speaking to industry leaders and company owners, there has been a clear message of resilience. There is now cautious hope around infrastructure funding and planning for a new future. As always, there is a relentless drive to create, produce and thrive. The construction industry is one that is founded on strength and evidence of this can be found throughout. Though they may not be dominating the news cycles, there are indeed many innovative and exciting projects breaking ground across the United States and Canada, from 3D Printing and architecture, through to precast and robotics. In this issue, we have spoken to the people at the heart of these projects to find that, while recent events have brought challenges and setbacks, they have not broken the spirit of the industry. We are delighted to bring you a number of these stories. Happy reading! | 3 APEIRON CONSTRUCTION A note from the Editor CHIEF EDITOR CREATIVE DIRECTOR SENIOR CONTENT DEVELOPERS CONTRIBUTING WRITERS DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGER DIRECTOR OF SALES DAVID O’NEILL LINDSAY BAILEY CIARAN DUNNE | MARK PETERS | PETER SWALE JOANNE KELTER | DAN SCANLON WILL HENDERSON | JIM DONOVAN ALEX MULVEY COLIN O’NEILL APEIRON-CONSTRUCTION.COM APEIRONMEDIAINC.COM2020 will be remembered as being one of the most destructive years in living memory; a time that decimated almost all facets of human existence. Notwithstanding the clear and devastating effects the pandemic has had on health and wellbeing, the global economy has had to perform something of a mindset shift and, in many instances, a full scale reset. 8 Rebounding in Unprecedented Times 14 Growth with a Group Mentality STERLING RIDGE GROUP 22 Accepting Every Challenge CLEARWAY GROUP 28 Evolving and Thriving S&T GROUP 32 Fifty Years with a Family Focus V. PAULIUS & ASSOCIATES 38 Pick Your Horse Early CALLAHAN CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS 44 Future Building, Today ICON 50 Strength in Numbers EVERCAST CONCRETE 56 Breaking the Mold STONE & COMPANY 6 3 Positive News Stories 60 Educating for the Future ATLANTIC TNG 64 Delivery On Time, Every Time CEMCAST PIPE & PRECAST 68 Taking the High Road A-1 CHIPSEAL & ROCKY MOUNTAIN PAVEMENT, LLC 74 Innovation with Global Potential CARBONCURE 80 Building Structures for Collaboration & Construction in Minneapolis EMPIREHOUSE 86 Generations of Success HAREN COMPANIES 92 Flying the Flag for Kansas City IBC 96 Solutions Based Logistics with a Community Focus STR ALASKA 100 Reimagining the World of Construction BUILT ROBOTICS 7 Industry Events | 5 APEIRON CONSTRUCTION | 5 APEIRON CONSTRUCTIONWith all that is happening around us, it can be easy to miss some of the advancements that are being made in the construction industry. Let’s shine a light on some good news stories that are making our world a little better. Augmented Reality R ecent reports suggest that the global spending on Augmented Reality for 2020 was somewhere in the region of $19B. With this figure itself representing an increase of almost 80% on the previous year, it is not hyper- bolic to suggest that this technology is likely to become a large part of our daily lives in the near future. From a construction standpoint, developments and usage may be in their infancy but there are elements of AR/VR that are becoming commonplace. From project presentation, through training and collaboration, AR/VR technology has become an advantageous tool for companies. Back in 2018, a New Jersey utility company made such advancements that they could literally see ‘’through the ground’’. Tom’s River Municipal Utilities Authority (TRMUA) had joined up with Meemin, a Canadian com- pany specializing in collaboration software to develop technology that allowed the user to see any utility lines such as water, electric, drain and sewer that were below the ground. Three years on, this technology has now been advanced to the point where ‘’off-the-shelf AR software’’ is available to serve the architectural, engineering and con- struction industries. VisualLive is a Tempe, AZ, company behind HoloLive, the first platform available to the AEC market that ‘’allows real-time 3D visualization, collabora- tion and field to office communication.’’ With expectations that the global AR market will see a 77% increase by 2023, coupled with recent world events put- ting greater pressure on companies to work smartly and remotely, this innovative platform is an exciting snapshot of possible advancements within the construction industry. | 6 MAY 2021Smart Cities A ccording to the United Nations, two thirds of the world’s inhabitants will live in urban areas by 2050. This influx of people, coupled with the overall increase in global population, is already proving to be of huge concern. On a simplistic level, most cities simply do not have the infrastructure to cope with this increase. However, a more worrying aspect of this growth is that, in environmental terms, cities currently account for over 70% of all CO2 emissions. Plans such as the Green New Deal are already attempting to reduce the level of emissions that are being created through lighting, heating and building large scale structures. Hudson Yards is one pioneering example of the Smart City, an area that uses sensors and ICT to efficiently run various aspects of the city such as traffic and transport, waste management, crime detection and water supply. This inter- connected nature allows Smart Cities to be information hubs that use real-time data to improve the daily lives of its inhabitants. Examples of the sustainable benefits of these cities are now becoming evident. San Diego, for instance, saves $250,000 dollars by using adaptive smart lights that only illuminate when a vehicle approaches while Philadel- phia saves $1m per year by using solar-powered trash bins, which automatically compacts the trash inside and allow five times more waste to be stored inside. Smart cities are not yet as widespread as they will eventu- ally need to be, however, with tech giants IBM, Sisco and Microsoft collaborating with innovative start-ups, con- structing the cities of the future is just around the corner. Construction Exoskeletons A s stated by the CDC, construction related jobs account for the most work place fatalities. This is not a recent development either. Each year, thousands of workers within the construction industry lose their live or suffer serious injury through work-related incidents. While health and safety requirements are of a high standards, challenges remain. It is within this context that innovative engineers working in the field of robotics are designing and using Exoskeletons that will both assist and protect workers in the field. A variety of exoskeleton types exist, each with their own purpose and specialty. These range from power gloves, through back and leg support to full-body suits. Some products support particular areas by shifting weight from one body part to another which can reduce repetitive strain injuries. Other exoskeletons, such as the Ironhand by Bioservo, is what is known as a Power Glove. By using sensors to detect the movements of the wearer’s hand, the glove can anticipate when the worker is about to grip an object and will then generate the required level of addi- tional power in order to assist the individual. This technology has clear ergonomic and safety benefits. With construction exoskeletons, the future of construc- tion safety, while always a vital consideration for any company, may just get slightly safer. World of Concrete EXHIBITS: JUNE 8-10, 2021 EDUCATION: JUNE 7-10, 2021 LAS VEGAS CONVENTION CENTER, NV Greenbuild International Conference & Expo SEPTEMBER 21-23, 2021 SAN DIEGO CONVENTION CENTER, CA AGC 2021 Convention SEPTEMBER 21-23, 2021 MARRIOTT WORLD CENTER, FL The Precast Show MAY 20-22, 2021 NEW ORLEANS ERNEST N. MORIAL CONVENTION CENTER, | 7 APEIRON CONSTRUCTIONWRITTEN BY DAVID O’NEILL 2 020 will be remembered as being one of the most destructive years in living memory; a time that decimated almost all facets of human existence. Notwithstanding the clear and devastating effects the pandemic has had on health and wellbeing, the global economy has had to perform something of a mindset shift and, in many instances, a full scale reset. Construction has, in some examples, been comparatively well equipped to manage the day-to-day challenges of COVID. Anecdotal evidence suggests that, being a predominantly outdoor profession, social distanc- ing has not been a particular concern. Unfortunately however, the macro view is considerably different and overall, the numbers tell a very different story. The North Amer- ican economy is currently operating at 22% below pre-pandemic levels and the construction industry needs to be viewed within that context. Indeed, many analysts suggest that, without a broad and far reaching stimulus package, the industry will be one of the slowest to recover from this seismic shock. However, it is worth noting that, within subsets of the construction world, there are green shoots of recovery. With the new administration pushing forward with large assistance programs to aid the recovery process, the question is considerably more blurred than it might seem from the figures alone. Perhaps, as we move into the second half of 2021, there may be light at the end of this darkest of tunnels. | 8 MAY 2021“ The North American economy is currently operating at 22% below pre-pandemic levels and the construction industry needs to be viewed within that context. ” | 9 APEIRON CONSTRUCTIONNext >